Kdy: Sobota 23. 2. 2019 20:00 – 20:00
Kde: Wagnatie, Antverpy, BE
Pořádá: Leatherpride.BE
Info u: Igy
Desáté výročí už tradiční akce, při které se sejde nejen hodně fetišistů včetně pejsků, ale volí se i Mr. Leather Belgie, Mr. Puppy Evropy, Mr. Superhero Evropy a vyhlašují se X-Awards. Prostě obří akce plná toho nejlepší, kde byste neměli chybět.
Life is great, but it is even better in ones favorite fetish gear. Leather and Fetish Pride Belgium encourages gay men to explore their sexuality and develop a safe and sane interest for the many fetishes in our community. The event is a collaboration of different groups, organizations, clubs and over 150 volunteers. The various tribes in the gay fetish community (Leather, rubber, army, skinhead, puppies, …) come together to create a unique spectacle of fetish brotherhood.
Life is great, but it is even better in ones favorite fetish gear. Leather and Fetish Pride Belgium encourages gay men to explore their sexuality and develop a safe and sane interest for the many fetishes in our community. The event is a collaboration of different groups, organizations, clubs and over 150 volunteers. The various tribes in the gay fetish community (Leather, rubber, army, skinhead, puppies, …) come together to create a unique spectacle of fetish brotherhood.